This year was the best! Hudson believed in Santa and the flying reindeer with all of his little heart and was thrilled to see what what Santa brought him. Everyone is totally right, Christmas with little kids is magic!
PJ our elf brought new Christmas jammies for the kids and we set out cookies and carrots after a rambunctious Christmas Eve candle light service with both kids out past their bed times. This is our hilariously bad attempt at our annual family Christmas Eve picture. This was honestly the best shot! #lifewithtoddlers
Matt and I had already shuffled the little playhouse Santa brought out to it’s new spot in the yard earlier in the day so we thought we’d have a nice relaxing evening. Ha! We quickly realized that our elf duties were going to be a little more involved. We finally got the dang tractor together after 3 hours!
My Aunt and Uncle sent the John Deere from Iowa and our little farm boy loved it. He actually thought Santa brought it and that was fine with us! Santa gets all of the credit.
The kids were so smitten with the toys we had open and put together they completely ignored their stockings and were totally uninterested in opening any other gifts.
I’m so glad we decided to keep our crazy in check and not go overboard with the gifts for the kids. I’m always curious how people do presents for their kids, especially young ones. It starts to get overwhelming with all of the gifts from family and Santa. This year we just did the playhouse (which was a big gift!) and stockings. I’ve been reading about the something to wear/read/want and I like that idea as the kids get older. I’m all ears for other ideas!
We basically spent all day lounging around with mimosas, opening a few gifts when we could interest the kids, playing outside and visiting via FaceTime with our families back in Iowa. It was perfect!
Hope you had a merry filled day with lots of love and laughter!