Our littlest lady turned three at the end of November and we had a sweet little family party to celebrate. In a rare spark of sanity I decided to axe friend parties this year in favor of an experience or trip. The kids haven’t missed the hoopla and I haven’t missed the planning (my previous pinterest self is as shocked as you are).
We spent the day at Disneyland with our Iowa cousins for Lucy’s birthday and had an early celebration in Arizona during Thanksgiving. Even though we had a family only party, we still had 7 kids, 6 and under in attendance. If that isn’t a party, I don’t know what is.
We try to keep the gifts to a minimum but grandparents gonna grandparent and Lucy brought in quite the haul. She loved everything (of course!). If you’re in the market for some sure-fire hits for little gals in the 2-4 age range, I got you boo.
She didn’t bring all this in on her big day but we do own (and love!) all of the above items. I also added a tab at the top of the blog where I’ve been collecting some tried and true gifts if you’re in the market!
I think the biggest hit of the party was that adorable Meri Meri unicorn balloon. Unfortunately, after a particularly aggressive sibling tussle it met it’s untimely end with a ripped horn.
Happiest birthday to our Lucy! She is our wild child, little mother, full of sass and spunk. We couldn’t love her more.
Lucy’s birth story|Lucy turns 1
gift guides|toys my kids actually play with
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