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Our Favorite Christmas Picture Books

As you know, I try to keep the toy extravaganza pretty minimal around here (fun haters unite!) but the one thing I am powerless against is a beautiful picture book. We have SO MANY Christmas books but they are all so lovely and all of my kids love reading them while we sit next to the Christmas tree all of December. As I paint this Norman Rockwell-esque scene for you, please be encouraged that there is still a lot of don’t touch me, I can’t see, I wanted the other book first happening during story time too.

We put away all of our Christmas books during the rest of the year, and PJ (our lazy elf) brings them to us on December 1 (read more about that here). I’ve seen a few ideas of giving a book a day ala a reading Advent Calendar but the thought of wrapping an additional 25 gifts makes me want to take to my bed for days. You may be a more Fun Mom than me though, so I wanted to mention the option.

I think the novelty of the “new” books helps everyone get excited to flip through them, and I wanted to share some of our favorites with you.

Favorite Christmas Books for Kids\Ahrens at Home

Nutcracker/Pine Tree/12 days/Finding Christmas/Little Reindeer/Night Before Christmas/Mice Skating/Polar Express/Bear Stays Up/The Grinch/Christmas Wish/The Quiet Book/Christmas Carol/The Nutcracker/In My Forest/First Snow/Spirit of Christmas/Song of the Stars

You’ll see that I included a few winter themed books too. My SoCal kiddos are enchanted with the thought of snow. The only time they remember seeing it was when we went skiing last year in mammoth. I on the other hand, could live a long and happy life without the snow experience ever again. Harper continues to assess the skies at a cool 63 degrees in the morning, declaring it looks like snow clouds! Bless her.


Anyway, we own almost all of these books and check out the rest from our library. Our librarian is the best, she basically saves all the good books for me on my weekly stop. 🙂 They even use coded stickers for the spines of books if they correlate with a holiday or season, so you don’t have to pull them all out. So what I’m saying is, you don’t have to buy all the books, use that library card with abandon!

Do you have any favorite Christmas or winter books that I’m missing? I’d love to hear your suggestions as I just can’t tamp down my enthusiasm for all things books.

Affiliate links used above. You buy? We get a slice of the pie with no additional cost to you. More information here. Thanks for keeping our bookshelf full, you’re the best! 



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